Thomas Bakeshop Boutique – A lot more than a Bakery

Santa Catalina was historically home to the fisher men, thanks to its location close to the sea and the port of Palma. Nowadays it becomes more and more popular among visitors and part time residents, and the international flair in combination with the genuine streets and facades, create a homey and lively atmosphere. Market shoppers blend with workers, visitors and yacht-people and day long the terraces are filled with coffee-drinkers enjoying in the sun. During the latest years, many restaurants, bakeries and cafés with international and/or fusion cuisine have opened and there is something for each taste. At Thomas Bakeshop Boutique, e.g, you can find delicious Majorcan roasted Arabay coffee, sour-dough bread made by the Austrian baker Thomas, and hummus made by Michelle from Beirut.

Thomas Bakeshop Boutique is just opposite our office on Calle Anibal in Santa Catalina. I believe it is one of the best bakeries on the island, thanks to the quality and variation of the tasteful and nutritious bread, the excellent coffee, but also to the generosity and atmosphere that the owners create.

Thomas Bakeshop Boutique is a lot more than a bakery, at least to me it has become a reference and a symbol of the new times in Santa Catalina. Thomas Bakery is a result of 2 people’s dream, and it has become a hub for the multicultural population of Palma and Santa Catalina. A Colombian visitor who enjoys his coffee here every day, very rightfully said once that this is not at all a “normal place”, it is the Tower of Babel!

Some 3 years ago, Thomas (originally from Austria) and his wife Michelle (a globetrotter born in Beirut), were looking for the possibility to move back to Europe after many years travelling the world, when a beautiful opportunity came up: There was a bakery for sale in Can Pastilla on Mallorca. They moved here and took over the business. Sometime later, in April 2017, they opened their shop in one of the most frequented streets in Santa Catalina. Only entering the door, you sense something different in this place. Michelle is full of stories, and the most beautiful thing is to see that she is fulfilling her dream.

Michelle and Thomas met over 20 years ago in Dubai. Thomas was already there, a pastry chef trained in Viena, and Michelle worked as a training manager at an intercontinental hotel. Many times, they sat at the Café Mozart in Dubai, dreaming with their friends about one day opening their own bakery. I ask Michelle why they didn’t open it back then. She smiles and says: It is a good question, but it wasn’t our time yet. When you have a dream, you have to go for it, but time will show you when it is your moment. We still wanted to travel, Michelle tells me. Living and working abroad was our life style. And life over and over again showed us that when you desire something clearly, it will come to you. For example, we were both working a time in Lebanon, but I was asking my boss for something different, and a great job opportunity came up in Cairo. I accepted it without even telling my husband. A couple of days later he was offered a job in Cairo too. Our move there was meant to be. Like all the other travels.

I am happy that their latest journey brought them to Palma. I love to get inspired by people who follow their dreams. And if you want to enjoy a delicious morning coffee, and one of the best breads in Mallorca, this is the place. Either you are just stepping in to get the day’s bread, or to enjoy your breakfast, Michelle has always time for a chat, and among the other visitors you find yourself for a moment immersed in the Majorcan Tower of Babel.


Maria Larsson, Team Assistant @ Mallorcaresidencia


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