Anima Beach Club

A paradise over the sea, located right on Palma’s boardwalk, having the best of the city and the sea. A beach club placed right on the sea where you can relax and be caressed by the breeze and warmed sun of Palma’s bay while you are enjoying excellent Mediterranean favorites and Mallorcan specialties, comfortable sunbeds, friendly professional staff and a unique urban but relaxed atmosphere.

A beach club with the perfect location where you can escape the city Centre for a breath of sea air, Anima Beach Club is just a few minutes’ walk from Palma Cathedral. With a spacious terrace that spreads out over the sea, here you can rent sunbeds and loungers, both with towel service. Anima Beach doesn’t have a pool or changing facilities, but its terrace is a very pleasant place to relax right by the Mediterranean, soak up the cool breezes and have fun with friends. 

Autovia del Levante s/n
07006 Palma de Mallorca


Massar Midgley Mahdi, Team Assistant @ Mallorcaresidencia


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